Our Priorities

Our Priorities

  1. Repeal Bill 212, aka "Ripping out Safe Streets, Getting you Killed" Act, 2024
  2. Install Complete Streets and protected intersections on all arterial roads, especially in Toronto's suburbs
  3. Install safety improvements at all intersections (raised crosswalks, curb extensions, tighter turning radii, narrower car lanes, etc)
  4. Implement better laws to deter reckless drivers who kill and injure others - Bill 40, Moving Ontarians Safely Act, 2023 (shamefully voted down by Doug Ford Conservatives in Fall 2023)
  5. Improve Construction Zone safety regulations
  6. Implement federal vehicle design regulations to ban excessively deadly vehicles
  7. Implement a blanket prohibition on Right Turns on Red (RTOR)
  8. Increase registration, permit and parking costs for oversized vehicles
  9. Use 'Crash' or 'Collision', not 'Accident'. Say 'hit by a driver,' not 'hit by a car.' Language Matters!
  10. Speed limit reductions all over Toronto, especially deadly arterial roads
  11. install Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) at all signalized intersections, with advanced walk signal applying to people on bikes
  12. Draw KSI (Killed and Severely Injured) data from public health records instead of police records, which can dramatically under-represent rates of road violence
  13. Legalize the Idaho Stop (stop-as-yield) in Ontario

Connect with us

Address: 401 Richmond St, 375, Toronto, ON M5V 3A8