Our Priorities
- Repeal Bill 212, aka "Ripping out Safe Streets, Getting you Killed" Act, 2024
- Install Complete Streets and protected intersections on all arterial roads, especially in Toronto's suburbs
- Install safety improvements at all intersections (raised crosswalks, curb extensions, tighter turning radii, narrower car lanes, etc)
- Implement better laws to deter reckless drivers who kill and injure others - Bill 40, Moving Ontarians Safely Act, 2023 (shamefully voted down by Doug Ford Conservatives in Fall 2023)
- Improve Construction Zone safety regulations
- Implement federal vehicle design regulations to ban excessively deadly vehicles
- Implement a blanket prohibition on Right Turns on Red (RTOR)
- Increase registration, permit and parking costs for oversized vehicles
- Use 'Crash' or 'Collision', not 'Accident'. Say 'hit by a driver,' not 'hit by a car.' Language Matters!
- Speed limit reductions all over Toronto, especially deadly arterial roads
- install Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) at all signalized intersections, with advanced walk signal applying to people on bikes
- Draw KSI (Killed and Severely Injured) data from public health records instead of police records, which can dramatically under-represent rates of road violence
- Legalize the Idaho Stop (stop-as-yield) in Ontario